A few answers to questions you may have about Chio

We've sent a mail to the email you provided when you created your profile, if you can't find it try logging with through your registered mail provider. Still can't login? mail us at [email protected] and we'll do our best to help you recover it.

Well as you know, we only manage your links so we do not have any ability whatsoever to control what happens to the original item you have saved. Some of them gets blocked or removed by their owners and when they do so, we are obligated to do so too.

Chio is waiting on your sharing menu for links and photos. Because we're new, we're climbing our way to a place among the top apps to share to, but when you take the extra step and share it to your Chio through the extended sharing menu, we promise to give you a value that will make it worth becoming a habit.

Chio supports any types of link shareable on web! We do not store the files of any link you share. We support limited uploading of images to your collection and working on more types to help you any way we can.

Links are always private and we never share anything about your profile. You are the only one who can share them. We believe your content is private and demands us taking good care of your data online.

All your items are waiting for you under the different filters managed on your collection. Find them with our searching tools or explore our quick filters if you know where it's at

Our technology learns about new interest from our users interactions so we do not call the shots, but it takes some time for changes to evolve into a better understanding of your needs. keep saving, sharing and listing your links to help us get a better insight into what matters for you!

We're trying to help you find better matches for your time with us & use the data to understand if you can engage with content and how. We believe it's our job to help you engage and get the most of what you've saved.

To erase all your items & lists so they will no longer be connected to you and erase any personal data stored by us, go to settings in the menu and erase it or mail us at [email protected] and ask us to so for you.